Blog: Cat
Cat Deworming
Intestinal parasites are a common problem in cats. Your cat can contract worms at various stages of their lives, starting in utero from the mother, then through the environment via fecal contamination or hunting. Intestinal worms can have significant effects on your pet’s health and can also be transmitted to...
Senior Cat Care
Cats can age differently depending on their breed, activity level and diet; however, they generally begin their senior years around the age of 8. The health of your cat can rapidly change with age. These changes often go unnoticed. Cats will often hide signs of pain or illness in the...
Cat Flea and Ear Mite Control
Luckily, in Manitoba, we do not have a high incidence of fleas in our pets due to our climate. Fleas are a small, blood-sucking parasite that can infect both cats and dogs. They cause extreme pruritus or itching and, in extreme circumstances, severe rashes. Luckily, these are easily treated with...
Cat Fecal Exam
All cats, especially those that hunt, should have regular deworming to control intestinal parasites. Depending on your cat's lifestyle, our veterinarian will recommend a deworming protocol to keep your cat parasite free. This is especially important as some intestinal parasites can be transferred to people.