Blog: Services
Dog Heartworm Test
Heartworm is a blood parasite transmitted by mosquitoes. The life cycle of heartworm involves mosquitoes that feed on infected domestic or wild dogs and then bite unprotected dogs. If infected and left untreated, heartworms will eventually migrate to the heart and surrounding blood vessels.
Dog Fleas and Ticks
Fleas are a small blood-sucking parasite that can infect both cats and dogs. They cause extreme pruritus or itching and, in extreme circumstances, can cause severe rashes. Luckily, these can easily be treated with medication.
Dog Skin Care
At Oakbank Animal Hospital, we regularly see dogs with a wide variety of skin conditions due to allergies, parasites, poor nutrition, metabolic disorders or skin infections. Certain skin conditions can be painful for our pets causing them to lick and scratch the affected areas raw. These chronic conditions can be...
Microchipping a Dog
Microchipping your dog is becoming standard practice across North America and is one of the best sources of identification for your dog. Microchipping is also mandatory to enter several countries around the world. If you would like your pet microchipped, please let our veterinarian know or give us a call.